About This Blog
I started this blog to share my thoughts about all matters related to finances and the impact raising children has on an ordinary family. Every day media tells us that raising kids is nearly impossible, The Guardian would have you believe that raising a child cost over £231,000, You will hear similar claims from The Telegraph and many other sources. I aim to prove that having achild doesn't have to drain your finances and it is possible to raise happy children with good frugal values at a fraction of that absurd cost.
I hope to convince you that living frugally doesn't mean depriving yourself, show you how you can enjoy more out of life without it costing a fortune and stop being a slave to your own desire for newer and better things and instead learn to appreciate what you have.
I follow "No Shame, No Blame", we have all had a different start in life therefore we are all at different stages of it. I want to help and educate people in their journey to a better financial position in life and being better role models for their kids.
I hope to convince you that living frugally doesn't mean depriving yourself, show you how you can enjoy more out of life without it costing a fortune and stop being a slave to your own desire for newer and better things and instead learn to appreciate what you have.
I follow "No Shame, No Blame", we have all had a different start in life therefore we are all at different stages of it. I want to help and educate people in their journey to a better financial position in life and being better role models for their kids.
About Me
I have emigrated to United Kingdom in 2006 when Poland joined the European Union. I will use this opportunity to ask you to excuse any strange grammar or odd spelling mistake, feel free to let me know about it in the comments though.
Over the years I've learnt to call this place home and feel British at heart. Eventually settling in Lincolnshire. Like many others initially I was overwhelmed by my new wages and first ever credit card. I dived hard into the land of lending, spending all the money I had and eventually got burned, drawing in debt.
I decided to look for an alternative way. Over the next few years I have sorted my finances out, spend hours researching finance and saving advice and became quite savvy in matters of money despite my rather average blue collar wages. Bringing home less than £1200 a month I have learnt to save more and more of my paycheck by making small changes to my lifestyle.
Eventually I met a girl, fell in love and started a family. Now a few years later being a happy father of 2 (4 and 2 year old) I am seeing the problems my fellow parents face and the struggles they fight every day. While I don't think I have all answers I feel educated enough to help some of the working parents to see light ahead and help to change parental struggles into an exciting adventure.
I am not a financial advisor. The information in this blog is therefore only to be construed as entertainment and advice from a friend not from professional, always doyour own research . This blog is merely to share my own goals and reflections upon my journey to a better financial position. I hope you will enjoy it as such.
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