
Sunday, 4 December 2016

Mission Statement a.k.a Purpose of This blog

What is NOT a Purpose of This Blog

Simple Goals in Life

My goal in life is not early retirement nor is it to save money. I know it is a surprising statement from finance oriented blog but hear me out. My goal is to have a good, happy life and be present and involved in it. If frugality ever stands in a way of it it means you are doing something wrong.  

Saving money is just a part of it. Being frugal and low maintenance is financial equivalent of staying fit and healthy. 

So What Is This Blog All About!?

I have written in about page a little bit about my purpose but I would like to take this opportunity to expand on it. 

I need a space where I can share my thoughts and collect them in a useful manner. Initially I was thinking about starting a diary but without having someone else read it it feels empty. That is why I came up with idea of starting a blog. Even though everything that could be possible said about saving money has been done already, I feel my unique view as a low income working parent gives me some new perspective. It allows me to express myself better and reflect deeper about my own life. 

This in itself is worth it for me. I do however believe my blog can benefit you Dear Readers. People from my background, low income families often feel put down and overwhelmed by all rich bloggers. For someone who earns 1000's of pounds per month it is hard to relate to ordinary family needs and problems. We are ordinary working family and we know the struggles you all go through. We conquer those struggles most of a time and we do fail sometimes. Point of a the blog is to show you that it is okay and better life is about a journey not a destination. 

Building the Community

I hope Dear Readers that slowly we can build together community and help each other stay motivated to stay on track. I don't expect every one of you to pursue Financial Independence. I am however strong believer that everyone should posses Financial Intelligence - state of understanding what is important in your life and what value does it represent. Being Financially Literate will help you avoid majority of stresses in life. You won't have your integrity compromised and it will lead to healthier relationship with your partner and immediate family. It is also good example for your kids to follow. 

This is it guys, just down to earth, common sense blog with some of my thoughts for your enjoyment and education. 

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